Mrs. Ruth Owens Krusé
For over 50 years Ruth Owens Krusé has been a tireless advocate, focusing on such issues as mental health services, juvenile justice, education and safety for some of our community’s most vulnerable children and their families. She is a professional social worker and volunteer who has given her time, energy and expertise as a member of various community boards and organizations such as the PTA/PTSA, National Association of Social Workers, League of Women Voters, Florida State Advisory Board to the Multi-Agency Network for Students with Severe Emotional Disturbance, Dade County Youth Advisory Board, Children’s Services Council, and the Superintendent’s District Advisory Panel for Exceptional Student Education. She has been a champion for the provision of services to emotionally disturbed students. The School Board of Miami-Dade County Public School recognized her special efforts on behalf of these students in 1991 with the establishment of Ruth Owens Krusé Educational Center.